acacia honey

Posted By: Francesco Riccucci In: Honey Comment: 0 Hit: 15998

Description, production and characteristics of acacia honey


The plant that gives rise to the famous type of honey is a species of acacia robinia pseudoacacia improperly called by the term acacia (in Tuscan dialect is also called "cascia"). In the category of acacia fall many subspecies. One of the most famous is definitely the mimosa (Acacia dealbata).

The flowers appear in clusters of white and give off a characteristic smell sweet and long nauseating.

On the branches, especially the younger ones are the thorns.


Acacia honey is produced in Tuscany generally in May. Depending on latitude and altitude where there are shrubs acacia plant can bloom from late April until the first days of June (in the mountains).

Bees are attracted by the strong smell of flowers and more from the nectar provided.
Acacia has a potential melliferous very high and it is very important for the beekeeping sector.

Unfortunately, the spring months are subject to rain or late frosts that can ruin the crop. For this reason it is always a good idea to always have a little 'of stocks from previous years.

The years 2012 and 2013 were characterized by a very low production of acacia honey

While collecting nectar from acacia bees are more concerned with the foraging and leave out for some time activities as usual hive brood rearing.
The queen fact slows lay in order to increase the available cells for the storage of the nectar in the nest and, as a consequence of this, there will be a greater number of bees that they would ensure the collection because it will not have to feed or heat the brood .
The production of this honey besides the climate is also affected by the strength of the hive: there are more bees and more honey is produced.
The beekeeper must prepare the hive starting at least a month and a half before flowering.
Adverse climatic conditions of the spring, in addition to greatly affect the blooms, trigger hives famous swarming. A family of bees tend to swarm natural instinct of multiplication when domestic conditions are favorable (plenty of food and bees). The bad weather forcing the bees to the enclosure with the consequent increase in the internal temperature and the low circulation of the real pheromone. These factors induce the bees in a real fever sciamatoria. By leaving the swarm consists of about half a hive of bees usually takes off the old queen.

Swarming is seriously compromising the harvest of honey and in these cases the difference is really the beekeeper.

The Italian regions that count most production acacia are: Tuscany, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Friuli and Lazio.


Acacia honey is more fluid and has a light color from shades of pale yellow to white transparent. The flavor is delicate and very intense taste. It is typically used as a sweetener since it does not alter the flavor.

The pure acacia honey is white and resembles "viscous water." No it smells and tastes special and leaves the palate a vanilla aftertaste ..

This honey `one of the most sought after honeys for the tendency to remain liquid for a long time and for its delicate taste.

Acacia honey is poor in minerals and pollen.

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