Why the Organic Honey?

Posted By: Francesco Riccucci In: Honey Comment: 0 Hit: 10047

6 good reasons to choose the organic honey


Let we see why is better to choose the organic honey for ourselves, for the bees and for the environment

It is widespread belief that a organic product is totally pure and uncontaminated. 
Even on Everest polluting residues were detected carried by wind and / or from the clouds.

What value has the organic certification? 
Legislatively speaking operators and products must conform to the organic laws.

In particular the organic beekeeping in the EU it is disciplined by the EU regulations (Reg. 834/07 and EC Reg. 889/08 Ce). 
The main requirements of a certified organic honey in the EU (in order of importance).

  1. Distance of the beehives from sources of pollution: the distance from polluting sources such as incinerators, industrial centers, highways, etc. It must be not less than 1 (one) km;
  2. Positioning of the beehives around cultures of beekeeping interest organic certified: apiaries (of bee families groups), should be placed in areas where within 3 km the nectar and pollen sources consist in crops obtained from organic production and / or flora spontaneous and / or from crops subjected to cultural practices of low environmental impact;
  3. Treatments only allowed with a minimum chemical residue substances: treatments against Varroa destructor must only be effected by low-impact and minimum residue products (organic acids, menthol, thymol, eucalyptol o canfora);
  4. Use of organic wax (zero residue) for the frames: The wax, usually used with waxy sheet, in order to help the bees in the construction of the honeycombs must not have any chemical residues and must come from organic beekeeping or, in derogation , from pure wax operculum to zero residue;
  5. Respect for the bees: they are prohibited both killing bees and the clipping of the queen bee wings (method usually used to facilitate the work in the apiary during the swarming period).
  6. Artificial Nutrition allowed only in derogation: artificial nutrition is only authorized when the survival of the hives is threatened by climatic conditions and after the certifying body authorization;


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